8 Commandments of Starting a Small Business

Starting a small business is a huge undertaking. There are so many things to think about and so many things to do. It can be a bit overwhelming, to say the least.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve put together a list of the 8 commandments of starting a small business. Follow these and you’ll be well on your way to success.

1. Thou shalt have a business plan.

This is probably the most important thing on the list. You need to have a clear idea of what your business is going to be, what it’s going to do, and how it’s going to make money. Without a plan, it’s going to be very difficult to make your business a success.

2. Thou shalt research thy market.

Before you launch your business, you need to make sure there’s a market for what you’re selling. You need to know who your customers are and what they’re looking for. Otherwise, you’re just shooting in the dark.

3. Thou shalt build a great team.

You can’t do it all yourself. You’re going to need a team of talented and dedicated people to help you make your business a success. Choose wisely and build a great team around you.

Businesses and Career Opportunities

4. Thou shalt be passionate.

If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, it’s going to be very difficult to succeed. You need to believe in your business investigate this site and what it’s doing. Otherwise, you’re not going to be able to convince anyone else to believe in it.

5. Thou shalt be prepared to work hard.

Starting a business is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and dedication to make it a success. Be prepared to put in the long hours and make the sacrifices.

6. Thou shalt be flexible.

Things change. Your customers change. You need to be able to change with them. If you’re not flexible, you’re going to get left behind.

7. Thou shalt focus on thy customers.

Your customers are the most important people to your business. You need to focus on their needs and wants. If you’re not giving them what they want, they’re not going to stick around for long.

8. Thou shalt always be learning.

The world is constantly changing and so is the business world. You need to be constantly learning and keeping up with the latest trends. Otherwise, you’re going to fall behind.


Starting a business is not easy. There will be times when you want to give up. But if you truly believe in your business, you need to fight through the tough times and never give up.